Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rehab Update

It's been a while since I've written. More than a month ago, we became concerned that Papito was getting a flat head. When we place him on his back, he'd look to the right. On his stomach, he'd only look to the left so only one side was getting slept on. We took him to the pediatrician who referred us to the children's rehab clinic at a local children's hospital. The first meeting was not encouraging because he seemed to not respond to stimuli on one side of his body. He was also slouching too much for his age (how do you tell that from a 2 month old??) We were given some exercises to do and we kept going to the rehab. Yesterday, he was evaluated by a specialist who was responsible for scoring his physical developmental progress. We were actually hoping that he would score 30% delayed (compared to the norm for 3.5 months) so that an Illinois state fund would kick in and pay for the $300/session visits. All good news...he is doing well enough that he scored better than 30% delayed AND the specialist, using her clinical judgment, signed off on the fund anyway. Papito will now be able to get as much tx as he needs. Why is he behind? We don't know... some babies take longer to touch their toes, hold up their head for longer periods of time, etc. There's no indication right now that he's mentally delayed, which is great news...he's just a little floppy. In any case, the physical therapist said that he needs to do a lot (A LOT) of tummy time, which he hates. In fact, as I write this, he's crying his head off and acting like I'm torturing him. He'll moan in quite resignation and quiet down and then...pow! he's off struggling to get up. I feel a sadistic humor in watching him kick his legs and wail his arms around... should I feel guilty? Naw, it's my morning entertainment :)


nicole said...

I'm glad things are working. Hopefully this is just a small problem that will be resolved and not have any lasting effects. And I really hope he starts to like tummy time better. Some of ours didn't like it a lot either.

Oh, I opened the gifts you mailed and wrapped them and put labels on them from you and Wife for the kids. Thanks for sending them! And, did you send Travis something? We thought we were only exchanging kid gifts. Oops!

Anonymous said...

So glad things are getting better for Nietito. It's great that Jonah has the help of his doctor to sign off for the fund for his sessions. Thank God!


Miss S said...

Great news about the funding for the physical therapist. He is so precious. I saw many pictures of your family at your Mother's home.
Thank you again for your contribution for Miss B in Denver. She had a rough Christmas, of course, but made it through just fine. The funds are stored away in the bank to buy a marker for the site. Thanks to everyone's generousity, a nice marker with his picture on it can be purchased during late spring (after the freezing weather is over.)
Love to all, Aunt Shari