Papito is doing very well, thank God. He was approved last month for a rehab subsidy by the State of IL whereby all of his rehabilitation (which runs at $300/session) will be paid for. The PT thinks he is doing well and is catching up, as it were. Last night, he turned over for the first time. We were excited but it scared him badly. Normally he hates tummy time, but he's been getting up on his elbows now and last night he just pushed himself right over onto his back. As far as daily rituals goes, when I get home from work, I usually work out and do some superficial cleaning. Then bathe him, shower, and get him onto our bed and read to him in Spanish. We have quite a good collection of books now and some are duplicates in English and Spanish (Goodnight Moon and Buenas Noches Luna). More playtime on the bed and then he's ready for his 10pm feeding and sleep. We've been really lucky in that he began sleeping all night about a month and half ago. Anyways, here are some recent pictures. The second one is the picture we used for the Christmas cards.
Goodnight Moon is one of our favorites. I'm so glad he is doing well. I can't believe how big he already is (I also can't believe I'm saying that as a mother of almost 5). I love the Christmas card picture--I think it could be used in advertising.
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