Most of you don't know that growing up, I wanted to have a tail. Yes, my secret desire in my youth... it just wasn't fair that evolution saw fit to do away with the tail for humans. To deal with my angst, my mom lovingly sewed a sheet over a piece of rope and attached it to my belt. While not a real tail, it was one of the greatest gifts ever and I used it to help me haul up firewood from the barn and also to show my cat that he wasn't the only Scott with a tail. Well, I share this with you because today, I got an email from my best friend who was at a donut shop. Of course he knows my childhood want for a caudal appendage and for years he and my entire family have made fun of me. Well, he saw this young boy who is one of my kind (imagine INXS's "You're One of My Kind" playing in the background) and was kind enough to share it with me. I feel validated, people.
Why is this hope for Papito. As of right now, he retains 95% of the physical traits of his mother. Save for his facial markings (which are from me), everything else is of her. While Wife "has" his outsides, I hope to dominate the insides.... his personality. Therefore, Papito, when you are older, I hope that you will desire to belong to a very elite group of humans. Here is what they look like...
yes, my brother, someone else is as weird as you. this is a great day for me as well because I too had to wear a tail...either because you made me or because I wanted to be like my older brother. It's a great day because I know there is probably a little brother to this kid and I know exactly how he feels.
Reading this brought back so many great memories of sitting around with our friends from the Catholic Campus Center talking and sharing stories. Doug, I remember you sharing this story and seeing in your eyes how fond those childhood memories were for you. Thanks for opportunity to vicariously share in the joy and magic childhood.
As a side note, Doug I wanted to write back after receiving your Christmas letter but as usual tossed the envelope with the address. Josh loved the gift and the dog required only minor reconstructive surgery. Please drop me a line at lanceag@sbcglobal.net.
Your Friend,
I chalk it up to you two boys living far enough away from friends that you didn't know how weird you were until it was too late. :)
Doug with a tail--hilarious!
Even as a child, you were setting the standard, making waves. Very funny, buddy. Keep up the good work!
I don't think you have much to worry about with a shining personality like that. A better question is: How can your boy NOT have your insides?
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