Monday, September 3, 2007

First time, first child

I've never done a blog before. I guess a lot of people put that down as one of their first comments to assuage their insecurities before starting something public and personal. I just became a father for the first time yesterday at 1:21 pm and right now I feel more emotions at once that I ever have. We did not know the sex of our baby and when the doctor said, "you have a boy!" I just knew it. Ever since we got pregnant, I just knew that it was a boy, for some reason. In any case, I am hoping that this blog, if I can keep it up, will be my way of sharing with the larger world, whether anyone reads this at all or not, my joyful adventures of fatherhood...and all that entails.

1 comment:

Abuela said...

I'm so proud of my new grandson!! He's beautiful. I'm so proud of my son and daughter-in-law!! What loving, spiritual, intelligent, and nurturing parents they will be. Can't wait to hold the baby.