Friday, September 14, 2007

Why Trinity 4 Us?

A modern view of the Trinity is not some obscure, misunderstood doctrine that is skipped over because it's too hard to explain. Instead, we see that the Trinity is a theological word for the pattern of all things. From a theological standpoint, Trinity is understood as Father (who gives of himself totally and without reserve to the Son), Son (who receives totally and without reserve from the Father, and then gives it back to the Father), and Holy Spirit (the "It" that the Father and Son give to and receive from each other). We can use other more approachable metaphors for Trinity such as: Lover, Beloved, and the Love that binds; Giver, Receiver, and the Gift given. From this stand point, God is better understood as pure and total relationship which is at once, giving and receiving, receiving and giving. It is exciting to live in these times because science is now confirming this same pattern in the material world. From the telescope to the microscope, we find that the universe is totally relational. Think of an atom. The electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom and are kept there by the centripital and centriphical forces. In other words, each electron is held perfectly in orbit by the giving and receiving between itself and the nucleus. Moreover, the space in between the nucleus and the electron is what gives the both of them their existence because with space, they would be fused as one. However, a deeper look at the "space" reveals that it is not emptiness at all but rather an alive energy that perfectly pushes and pulls (if an atom is split, it's not the electron or the nucleus that gives the resulting powerful explosion, but rather it's the breakup of the relationship that unleashes the power.) The same pattern is seen between planets and their stars, and indeed in the entire unfolding of the universe(s). In fact, this pattern is now explicated in psychology, social work, and pastoral counseling. A "self" (read "person") is understood as "self-in-community" which means that "no man is an island", that individualism is a delusion. A person, therefore, is defined by his/her relationships with others and creation. Relationality, in the end, is the ultimate foundation of the Manifested. We are caught up in the sweep of the God loving Godself as we are created and sustained by the Love itself. Therefore, the Trinity is truly "4 US."

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